"These essays exalt us with a vision of nobility
while offering an astounding critique of the modern world"
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In this book are present 175 articles that I´ve written in social media from 2017 to 2020 and that address a very wide set of topics. The aim of this collection is to expose a vision of coherent unity amid today´s important challenges.
By addressing many issues like politics, education, technology, science, nutrition, health, human values, ecology and even the recent coronavirus crisis, I aim to provide a collection of articles that is easily readable, dynamic, and that builds upon the paradigms and ideas that are implicit in my previous books. This book can also be considered as an easy first approach to the ideas developed in my former essays and novels, exposing the importance of acquiring a multidisciplinary and universal vision of things.
The title of this book, “A Personal View”, expresses the attempt to provide the reader with some experiential aspects of my life, so that it can be eventually realized that the way we live our life deeply forges the way we perceive people, things, history, food, work, science, etc.
These articles have been written without surrendering to any ideological, political or publishing agenda, and consequently not only they all constitute honest expressions of free thought, but also serve to be as thought-provoking accounts, allowing the reader progressively gain a vision that overcomes many of the paradigmatic and cultural reductionisms of our time.
About Author Miguel A. Fernandez
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